Lamar School District ARP ESSER Committee Meeting
October 13, 2022
Lamar School District ARP ESSER Committee held their ARP ESSER meeting at 3:30pm, on Thursday, October 13, 2022, in the Lamar Elementary Cafeteria. Members present were Shane Gordon, Kaylynn Holland, Elise Cameron, Lance Spence, Hillary Kemp, Sunshine Villines, Sarah Lawson, Sarah Kremers, Mike McCarley, Leslie Moore, Mitch Harris & Brittney Schluterman, also in attendance was George Kremers, student. The meeting was called to order at 3:32p.m. by Shane Gordon, Asst. Superintendent.
New Business
- Mr. Gordon reviewed the Continuity of Services Plan (Ready for Learning) and showed members the location of all information on the district website
- Mr. Gordon went over the DESE Transparency Dashboard and ESSER allocation categories for Lamar School District and funds spent, purchases, and detailed expenditure funds
- Mr. Gordon reviewed the ESSER Financials, approve purchases, new funding items and possible revisions to be made
- HVAC- funding could change
- Buses
- Summer School may be revamped into a summer camp in addition to credit recovery, including adding STEAM to address learning loss
- Social Worker position is still open
- Class size reduction
- Assessments – Pre/Post assessments with formative assessments to identify student learning deficiencies and gaps to drive instruction
- HVAC sanitizers for classrooms
- Possible funding for Summer School Planner position
- Discussion – Mr. Gordon showed member where to find the ARP (Community/Parent comment) on the district website for comments on ESSER allocations & revisions
- Meeting Adjourned at 4:06pm
Minutes submitted by Kaylynn Holland